Weblogic 12c Installation on Centos 6.6 x86_64

I think i should correct this packages list what needs to be install.

Package Installation:

# yum install -y \
mc \
nano \
gcc \
make \
openssh-clients \
wget \
xinetd \
screen \
vsftpd \
gamin \
unzip \

# yum install -y \
net-snmp \

# yum install -y \

# yum install -y \
compat-db-4* \
compat-libstdc++-296* \
rng-utils-2* \

Create Weblogic admin

# groupadd -g 1001 wlsadm
# useradd -g wlsadm -d /home/weblogic12 -m weblogic12
# passwd weblogic12

# mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/weblogic/12.1
# chown -R weblogic12:wlsadm /u01/app/oracle/weblogic/12.1
# chmod -R 775 /u01/app/oracle/weblogic/12.1
# mkdir -p /u02/weblogic_domains
# chown -R weblogic12:wlsadm  /u02/weblogic_domains/

Copy Weblogic distrib on Server (in catalog /tmp):

$ scp oepe-indigo-installer- [email protected]:/tmp

# su - weblogic12
$ cd /tmp/
$ chmod +x wls1035_oepe111172_linux32.bin

$ vi $HOME/.bash_profile

Before # User specific environment and startup programs:


# Weblogic Parameters

### MW_HOME - Middelware Home

### WL_HOME - Weblogic Server Home

export MW_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/weblogic/12.1
export WL_HOME=\${MW_HOME}/wlserver_12.1


$ source $HOME/.bash_profile

Weblogic Server Installation

$ export DISPLAY= - ip address of the computer which i use to manage installation process. If that computer working on Windows, Xming server shoudl be installed and run.

$ cd /tmp
$ ./oepe-indigo-installer-

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Folder for installation:

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic domain creation

Weblogic domain creation with GUI:

$ cd /u01/app/oracle/wls/12.1/wlserver_12.1/common/bin/
$ ./config.sh

To start creation in text mode use:

$ ./config.sh -mode=console

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

We are not planning to use more then 1 application server

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic domain start

$ cd /u02/weblogic_domains/myApp/
$ ./startWebLogic.sh &

<Server started in RUNNING mode>

We do not deploy JEE app on server yet. If we will try to connect to server by port 7001, we will recieve next message.

Weblogic Installation on Centos

We can connect to the server console :7001/console/

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos

JEE App deployment on Weblgic Server

Next application we would deploy to server:


$ cd /tmp/
$ wget /files/appserv/weblogic/12c/installation/apps/wlnav.war
$ cp wlnav.war /u01/app/oracle/wls/11.1/user_projects/domains/MyApp/autodeploy

Weblogic Installation on Centos

Weblogic Installation on Centos